Product code: E300
Chemical Name: Acrylic Polymer
Origin: Thailand
Manufacturer: UAC Advance Polymer and Chemicals (UAPC)
CAS: 7732-18-5
Packing : 200 kg/ Drum 1050 kg/ Tank

Short Description

‘A film-forming agent is an emulsion of one or more polymers that converts to a film during the drying process when applying paint.
The film forming agent determines the properties and scope of use of the paint such as adhesion, mechanical strength, weather resistance, resistance to chemicals, water, heat, petroleum, etc.
Film forming agent is also the basic ingredient that creates the mechanical, physical and chemical quality criteria of the paint film.


High PVC paint application, high gloss, Good mechanical and
chemical stability. Excellent weathering resistance. Cost effective. Low glass-transition temperature.


Used for high-gloss interior paint, exterior paint, water-based wood paint and paint on surfaces requiring high adhesion.

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